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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL testing

On Sun November 1 2009 07:59:26 am Peter Clifton wrote:
> As it stands, the back-traces don't help a great deal, since they are
> missing a load of the debug information required.
> What distro do you use? Usually there are "-dbg", "-dbgsym" or "-debug"
> packages for various libraries. To fill in the "??" sections of the
> back-trace, you need those installed. I'd suggest you probably need the
> ones for:

I'm using Slackware 12.1 and so far I've been unable to find any packaged debug libraries.  I'm 
tempted to compile them myself with debug enabled but I expect that to take a little while mostly 
because of the effort of locating the proper libs.

> (Ubuntu package names in brackets)
> xlib (libx11-6-dbg)
> xcb  (libxcb1-dbg, libx11-xcb1-dbg, possibly others)
> gtk  (libgtk2.0-0-dbg)
> glib (libglib2.0-dbg)
> gtk-gl-ext (libgtkglext1-dbg)
> C Library (libc6-dbg)

How different are Ubuntu's libraries (packages) compared to the bone stock ones straight from the 
project developers?   I'm not certain they would really work on Slackware.

> Possibly others are required as well, but the above is a good start.
> Usually you can guess from the back-trace by looking around where it
> goes to ??, on yours it looks like libx11 and libxcb1 are the first
> contenders.

I was wondering about the ??'s.  Thanks.

> I know that there will be GTK / GLib signal emission between the PCB
> calls I'm interested in seeing, and the back-trace you sent.

If I can identify the proper source code for the libraries then I will get another back trace.  But 
it may take me a little while.  I'm using system tools like 'locate' to try and find out more.  Are 
there any library tools that might help me identify them?

> PS.. Did you compile PCB with the default CFLAGS? (Which include "-g"
> for debug output?)

I was fairly certain that I was compiling with "-g" but I looked at the config.log and verified that 
I am.

-Mark Stanley

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