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Re: gEDA-user: More GL stuff to test

Peter Clifton wrote:
> More stuff to test in the "local_customisation_no_pours" branch (only).
> http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pcjc2/geda/pcb+gl_3d/pcb+gl_3d-7.png
> Doesn't the 3D make that dialog box look bent?

It does, but I think that's because the shading/colors used for the
circuit board are giving misleading cues as to which way it is
oriented.  Or something.  Even without the dialog, something doesn't
look quite right...

> Better mask rendering (including an attempt to recognise board outline)
> A polygon routine fix, noticed when attempting the above
> Various z-stack fixups where I had bugs previously
> (Including element marks and silk-screen issues)
> Speed-ups rendering complex boards with a lot of vias piercing ground
> planes

Given any more thought to just letting Blender do this grunt work? 
Could you export the board model in a format that Blender could swallow
up?  I don't think that would work for interactive development, but for
dog and pony shows...

> Complex boards best tested on a powerful machine (swift CPU and a decent
> graphics card).. I got about 4x speed improvement over my Intel laptop
> when testing on a friends machine with Nvidia graphics (when CPU bound
> by geometry generation). Graphics throughput was about 20x faster once
> you take the CPU bound operations out.
> Best wishes,

All I can say is, "wow!".


Bill Gatliff

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