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gEDA-user: [PCB] Selection of objects

   I am playing now for a while with gEDA and pcb and just finished my
   first very little project with it.
   There was some glitches here and there but the mailing list and goggle
   help me throw it.
   The most cumbersome for me was the selection of objects which are for
   some reason hidden behind other objects or out of the grid.
   I know I can switch off the grid and I can switch on and off different
   layer but this always requires multiple steps before and after the
   rather simple operation.
   E.g. If I have a very short copper-line it might be covered by SMD-Pad
   which itself is covered by some silk lines.
   If I want to remove it I had to try over and over again to mark this
   copper track and to delete it.
   Is there any other way to do it rather then switching silk and pad
   layer off (maybe switch the grid off) mark the line delete it, (switch
   on the grid) turn on silk and pad layer....
   From other CAD tools I know several methods to mark stacked objects.
   1. Clicking on a single point with the mouse would first mark the top
   object. Clicking again (without moving the courser) the second
   (hidden) object, one more click the third and so on ... roating threw
   all objects. Pressing "Shift" might reverse the rotating order. This
   could also be extended to: The first click marks the object under the
   exact cursor position, another click marks in a rotating order objects
   within a range of +-1grid units, allowing marking objects out of the
   grid position.
   2. Another method I am aware of is the multiple marking with the
   mouse. Drawing a rectangle from upper left corner to lower right marks
   only objects which are completely within the rectangle. Drawing a
   rectangle from right to the left will mark all objects which
   interferes with the rectangle (even only partially).
   Would be nice to hear about a better solution to mark objects and
   about the meaning to implement the above methods.

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