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Re: gEDA-user: current working file name in gschemrc

Kai-Martin Knaak <knaak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> But if I try to access the produced pdf file with 
> 	lp -d PDF -t "mosfet-node"; mv $HOME/PDF/mosfet-node.pdf .
> the second command seems to act on the state before the print command. If 
> there was no PDF file before, I get:
> 	mv: cannot stat `/home/kmk/mosfet-node.pdf': No such file or directory
> If there was such a file, then this file gets copied rather then the newly
> produced one. It acts, as if the shell that executes the command string does
> not wait for the lp command to terminate before it proceeds with the mv.

The lp terminates, but the printer spooler did not finish the job.  A
sleep may help.

Why don't you print from gschem directly into a ps file, and ps2pdf the

> Is there anything I can do about this? 
> What kind of shell is the command string executed by?
> ---<)kaimartin(>---

Stephan BÃttcher                     FAX: +49-431-880-3968
Extraterrestrische Physik            Tel: +49-431-880-2508
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