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Re: Ngspice and Readline, was Re: gEDA-user: netlist simulation
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:26:57 -0500 (EST)
sdb@cloud9.net (Stuart Brorson) wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> > Does the cli version of tclspice support command history i.e. readline at this time ?
> No, it unfortunately doesn't. I've thought about fixing it, but
> haven't done it. I am not an expert programmer, and it takes me time
> to come up to speed on each project I take on. My time is limited and
> other projects seemed like they were higher priority.
Isn't that also called "life" ?
> > I've been using a older version of ngspice with the readline patch as I find it much more convienient.
> Do you have a pointer to your version?
No I don't, but it was a *lot* of searching to find it.
I've the source tarball of around 2.5mbytes, can I email it to you ?
If the source tarball is no help I can start searching for it again.
My web site isnt uploadable atm :(
> Perhaps I could do a diff
> against the current tclspice and stick the patch in. THat would save
> some programming time & headache. . . .
Ive never used diff as I'm hardware electronics myself.
> Thanks,
> Stuart
Kind Regards
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