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Re: gEDA-user: Bug in fab drawing

> In both postscript and gerber output, the drill list on the fab drawing 
> has the plated and unplated hole descriptions overlapping.

Try this:

Index: print.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/print.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -p -2 -r1.28 print.c
*** print.c	6 Oct 2004 20:04:00 -0000	1.28
--- print.c	7 Oct 2004 20:34:45 -0000
*************** PrintFab (void)
*** 1399,1402 ****
--- 1399,1405 ----
  	  text_at (135000, yoff, 200, "YES");
  	  text_at (98000, yoff, 200, "%d", drill->PinCount + drill->ViaCount);
+ 	  if (unplated_sym != -1)
+ 	    yoff -= TEXT_LINE;
        if (unplated_sym != -1)
*************** PrintFab (void)
*** 1410,1413 ****
--- 1413,1419 ----
        text_at (45000, yoff, 200, "%0.3f",
  	       drill->DrillSize / 100000. + 0.0004);
+       if (plated_sym != -1 && unplated_sym != -1)
+ 	text_at (45000, yoff + TEXT_LINE, 200, "%0.3f",
+ 		 drill->DrillSize / 100000. + 0.0004);
        yoff -= TEXT_LINE;
        total_drills += drill->PinCount;