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Re: gEDA-user: Automatic repositioning to attributes

Em Qui, 2006-10-19 às 20:00 +0200, Carlos Nieves Ónega escreveu:
That's the reason I wrote this new feature. People like you are the ones
who may use this kind of tool.

If you look for "default-position-of-text-attributes" in your
system-gschemrc file, you will find the default position definition of
pin and component attributes.
I think you can adapt it to your norms and let gschem to do the hard
work for you.

Really excuses,
    Was a good job!
    But is a litle complex to understand how to use this to our case.
    I just arrived from a litle travel and saw your message.
    Give me some days to work about. I promise to reply you with more info.

Thank you,


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