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Re: gEDA-user: unpromoted visible attributes
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Unless there is anyone available to work on implementing it, the point
> is moot anyway!
While that is true, if those with enough experience and clout in the
project were to spend the time to agree on a plan, or a direction at
least, then people like me could possibly put in the legwork to start
making it happen. I'm not saying I'd have the time, but it's possible
I will early next year, but I think a lot of us agree that this one of
the bigger things that if fixed could really enhance the tool (along
with things like the "universal translator" I've seen talked about a
lot). As it is looking through the history, there's a lot of chatter
about this, but no real agreement on what should be done, so if I were
to have the time to do it, I'd have no idea where to go with it. :)
Although I guess I may be underestimating what you mean by
"implementing" it. With this kind of thing, the design will probably
(at least should) take as much or more time than the actual coding,
which means there probably needs to be a "higher-up" available to put
in the time to design, or help design, it (which may be what you
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