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Re: gEDA-user: unpromoted visible attributes
On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 11:41 -0700, Jared Casper wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Unless there is anyone available to work on implementing it, the point
> > is moot anyway!
> While that is true, if those with enough experience and clout in the
> project were to spend the time to agree on a plan, or a direction at
> least, then people like me could possibly put in the legwork to start
> making it happen. I'm not saying I'd have the time, but it's possible
> I will early next year, but I think a lot of us agree that this one of
> the bigger things that if fixed could really enhance the tool (along
> with things like the "universal translator" I've seen talked about a
> lot). As it is looking through the history, there's a lot of chatter
> about this, but no real agreement on what should be done, so if I were
> to have the time to do it, I'd have no idea where to go with it. :)
> Although I guess I may be underestimating what you mean by
> "implementing" it. With this kind of thing, the design will probably
> (at least should) take as much or more time than the actual coding,
> which means there probably needs to be a "higher-up" available to put
> in the time to design, or help design, it (which may be what you
> meant).
I just meant that there is no point Peter Brett and I debating (dragging
up the topic again) it unless we are going to put some effort into the
design / implementation.
Best wishes,
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