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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL testing

On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 21:40 +0200, michalwd1979 wrote:

> Stefan,
> Read my mail to the end. I'm not blaming developers, I'm asking about backups and reporting possible bug.
> Regards,
> Michael W.

I read that mail to its end. (Indeed I read not much other mails of you
-- one reason is that I like to know the full name of people when
reading their posts)

Why do I consider your post harmful?

Starting with complaining about lost data is generally a bad idea. It
make developers feel bad, and a random reader of this list may get the
impression that data loss is a general problem of PCB. (It is not, the
latest stable snapshot of PCB is really stable -- I had only two crashes
in more than 500 hours of work.)

Did you use the experimental version of PCB for serious work for 3 hours
without saving? I guess you have never used Word -- that users saves
there thesis every 5 minutes and stores older copies for cases when
opening the file there are many red crosses instead of pictures. I have
really seen this some years ago.

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