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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Converting M4 to new Footprint?

To retrieve a package:

echo "PKG_$package(\"\", \"\", \"\")" | \
   m4 -IPCB_M4_DIR  common.m4 - | \
   awk '/^[ \t]*$/ {next} {print}' | \

where PCB_M4_DIR is the directory containing the PCB
M4 files.

After you create the file move it to your "production"

To get gsch2pcb to find your "production" packages use
the --elements-dir switch. For example:

gsch2pcb --elements-dir PRODUCTION_DIR SCHEMATIC_NAME

(* jcl *)

--- Shahab Sanjari <sanjari@hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>

> Dear list,
> In the production process, it is always good to know
> which footprints are
> tested, so that they could be used wihtout futher
> considerations in the
> future projects. This results in company specific
> symbol and footprint
> libraries, which could also represent the company's
> repository managed
> with a database and scripts that read special fields
> out of the schematic
> files and do automated booking, ordering, etc. of
> parts.
> With gschem, I managed a small directory where I put
> the parts that I
> often use in my designs. I would like to do the same
> thing with PCB
> footprints.
> How can I extract a specific M4 library-element from
> say "~geda" library
> ( e.g. 0805) and put it in a single file e.g.
> my_0805 in the directory of
> my designs?
> Many thanks,
> Shahab.
> --------
> Shahab Sanjari  (sanjariathrzdottu-darmstadtdotde)

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