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Re: gEDA-user: Introduction and some questions/thoughts on gEDA/gaf...

On Wednesday 14 September 2005 12:08 am, Mark Rages wrote:
> This point seems orthogonal to mine.  I thought we were talking about
> a part browser, and the best way to arrange the library to find
> desired parts.
> If parts from different manufacturers have significant differences in
> behavior, then of course they will need to be distinct parts --
> regardless of whether you have a heirarchy or tags system.  In fact,
> allow me to assert the tags system will still work better.
> Unless you are propsing an *inheritance* system, where you would
> define a basic part and then subclass it for each manufacturer's
> specific characteristics.  *shudder*

I absolutely agree with you. Common sense tells me that the KISS 
principle should be applied when designing the directory structure. 
Also, I agree with you that inheritance would create a mess. OTOH, 
this is a complex issue that is not simple - I'm not sure exactly how
tags could totally solve this issue. If you could, please explain.



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