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Re: gEDA-user: Free Dog meeting report: Notes on the topics we discussed

Oh common anybody can write a eda tool set in java, c, c++, c#, pascal
or tcl/tk but it takes an old timer to write one in fortran and cobol on
a cpm machine.

Lets show our metal. lets write a crossplatform cpm emululator and
rewrite all of geda in snowball.

But Seriously,

Steve Meier

On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 11:56 -0400, Marvin Dickens wrote:
> Everyone who wants to change languages isn't familiar with the gEDA
> code base. There are over 750K lines of code that work and that are
> understood by at least one developer. Now, I've been using these tools for 2 
> or 3 years. I'm fluent in c and c++ and I've looked at some of the code 
> (Specifically, in PCB and gschem). Just because I've looked at some of the 
> code doesn't mean I know squat about how it works (I don't...). 
> The advocates of using a new language cannot possibly understand the 
> ramifications of impilimenting/re-implimenting any portion of gEDA in their 
> "pet" language. In fact, I'll bet the couple of hours I spent looking at the 
> code that comprises PCB and gschem surpasses the amount of time the 
> proponents of implimenting a new language have spent looking at the code.
> Personally, I don't see this thread as intelligent - I can't take it 
> seriously.
> Regards
> Marvin