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Re: gEDA-user: Linear voltregs: Symbol bugs or features?

> > I am one of the folks who thinks that component symbols should not
> > have hidden pin connections.  Indeed, this problem is really acute
> > when the symbols live in a library, since newbies won't know that the
> > pin is connected to GND unless they open up the symbol and look at the
> > attributes.
> /me wonders if we should make an exception for the symbols that are
> *obviously* denoting hidden connections, like the down-triangle GND,
> down-rake "chassis gnd", or up/down arrow voltage rail symbols?
> Otherwise you have to explicitly name all those tiny nets connecting
> such symbols to each chip.

These symbols explicitly call out their voltage levels, so it makes
sense that they be connected to whatever net they have printed on
their labels.

> The problem of powering multi-gate chips still exists too.  Six
> vcc/gnd symbols for each hex inverter?

We have talked about this at Free Dog.  The solution is to have more
intelligent slotting of parts.  The first instantiation of a slotted
part should also carry the power/ground pins.  The remaining
instantiations of the slotted part would then only carry the signal
pins.  This requires some mods to the gschem code.
