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Re: gEDA-user: Installing gEDA from 20050820 Suite CD on Fedora

On 9/22/05, Stuart Brorson <sdb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >Question:  What is the result of "gcc --version"?
> >
> > The above command returns:
> >
> > gcc (GCC) 4.0.1 20050727 (Red Hat 4.0.1-5)
> As I suspected, your problem is that FC4 comes with gcc-4.x.  The 4.x
> release of gcc imposes ultra-strict type checking.  Lots of gEDA
> programs have trivial, insignificant type violations which
> unfortunatly prevent gcc-4.x from compiling them.
> This is bad news for everybody: gEDA users and developers alike.
> For you, your best bet is to wipe your system clean and install
> FC3, unless you have a specific reason to use FC4.  Then try to run
> the CD again.  Alternately, if you are an 31337 haxor, you can remove
> gcc-4, and get gcc-3.X running on your system.   This might be
> extremely difficult.

A better bet than wiping the system, is to use Wojciech Kazubski's FC4 rpms:


(I would plug my mirror/yum archive here, but it's offline this week.)

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