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Re: gEDA-user: Question regarding 1st LTSpice simulation

Dan McMahill wrote:
> Robert Butts w
> BTW, why LTspice and not ng-spice or gnucap which are both open source? 
>   With either of them, you can avoid tying yourself to a particular OS, 
> they both have mailing lists with not just users but program developers, 
> and you have more of an ability to influence the tools.
> I've been down the path of closed source software with cheap or zero 
> cost to obtain before and at the end wished I hadn't.  The particular 
> nameless tool ended up being a dead end road since I ultimately needed 
> to migrate to another OS and didn't want to shell out thousands for 
> something I was using as a hobby.
Honestly, I haven't even tried either gnucap nor ng-spice but use 
ltswitchercad quite a bit.  I'm up for the change, but how's the 
learning curve?  Anyone care to comment or compare the two?


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