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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA 1.2.0, opamp-1.sym pin numbers?
Am Samstag, den 22.09.2007, 19:45 +0100 schrieb Peter Clifton:
> There are various "heavy" symbols, such as lm741-1.sym.
Indeed, I missed it because these symbols are stored in different
stefan@AMD64X2 ~/gEDA/DAQ-Board $ locate lm741
stefan@AMD64X2 ~/gEDA/DAQ-Board $ locate opamp
I still think that a symbol with a general name like opamp should be
related to a general package.
> It is a well known problem though, the mapping between a light symbol
> and a real package is not something which is easily solved.
Yes, I know the discussion about heavy and light symbols. For me this is
not really a problem, I was only confused. Maybe we should store heavy
and light symbols in different locations. (For me it was not obvious
after finding opamp-1.sym (and opamp-2.sym) to search for lm741 to find
an ordinary DIP8 OpAmp).
Best regards
Stefan Salewski
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