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Re: gEDA-user: Probably parenthesis mismatch error on OS X

> 1. /sw/etc/gEDA/gschem-darkbg exists.

Yes, it exists

> 2. geda-rc-path is equal to /sw/etc/gEDA.


gEDA data directory: /sw/share/gEDA
gEDA RC file directory: /sw/etc/gEDA

> 3. (load (build-path geda-rc-path "gschem-darkbg")) appears to fail[1].


> If so, that is extremely odd, and I can't work out why it might be the
> case...
> can you please stick this expression in your gafrc and see what it
> outputs?
> (display (build-path geda-rc-path "gschem-darkbg"))

Probably parenthesis mismatch in /sw/etc/gEDA/system-gschemrc
Most recently read form: (#@display (build-path geda-rc-path gschem-darkbg))

It would almost seem that the build-path stuff is borked somehow.

I changed the line to read:

(load "/sw/etc/gEDA/gschem-darkbg") ; dark background

And it loaded the background, at least.  Bombed again at:

Probably parenthesis mismatch in /sw/etc/gEDA/system-gschemrc
Most recently read form: (#@load-from-path default-attrib-positions.scm)

> We'll get to the bottom of this!
>                    Peter
> [1] The (not particularly complicated) definition of the build-path
> function
> is given in geda.scm.

I don't see a 'geda.scm' anywhere:

plutonium:/sw root# find . | grep geda.scm

Maybe I am missing something?  Regardless, my older, working version on my
other mac lacks this file as well, so maybe not.

Thanks a bunch for your help debugging this.


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