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Re: gEDA-user: import of PCB models and footprints
For symbols, I think that you might find
[http://gedasymbols.org/footprints/] useful, I've found a way to view
installed footprints from pcb : "window->Library" shows you the
footprints - but I don't know of a way to do this in gschem (where I
really need to know which footprints I have).
As for converters: The question has been asked
I have seen eagleCAD to gschem converters online such as this one by
[http://blog.mithis.net/archives/pcb/23-eagle2geda-symbol-converter] -
but never got any of them to work. They tend to be scripts that
someone got to work once, and put out there - there isn't much need to
maintain a one-shot script. If it's any consolation, you'd still
have to check a converted footprint (especially if the re
A while back I looked at the standard for PCB layout:
[http://landpatterns.ipc.org/default.asp], the footprint database is
free, but the eula for the viewer had lots of anti-reverse engineering
clauses. The database is plaintext and I looked at converting it to
pcb, but gave up when I realised that in order to open the viewer to
check if my conversion was correct, I would violate thier contract.
Kind Regards
Andrew Whyte MEng CEng
paramita ltd
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On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Ray Schumacher <subscriber100@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there a web list of all symbols that come with the install, and
> more importantly, what types of definitions can be imported?
> I just got new AD9970 pre-production samples, and Analog provides the
> footprints for:
> MultiSim, Orcad, Protel99, Allegr , Boardstation, PowerPCB,
> Protel99PCB, and Spice Models
> [1]http://www.analog.com/zh/audiovideo-products/cameracamcorder-analog
> -front-ends/AD9970/products/symbols-footprints.html?display=popup
> If this is in the docs somewhere please link me - I couldn't find it.
> I did see
> spicelib and it looks interesting, and Python is my main lang now.
> Thank you,
> Ray
> References
> 1. http://www.analog.com/zh/audiovideo-products/cameracamcorder-analog-front-ends/AD9970/products/symbols-footprints.html?display=popup
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