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Re: gEDA-user: Blind and buried vias?

On Sep 27, 2009, at 5:16 AM, John Doty wrote:
> Yes, pcb is not part of gEDA. It is a separate (older) development.

History aside (and like it or not) PCB *is* currently a de facto  
member of the extended suite of gEDA  programs.

Ignoring this, or claiming otherwise, is frankly absurd.

> I don't know who wrote that. gEDA and PCB are separate, independently
> developed projects.  They have different source trees and conventions.

That the extended gEDA suite contains separately developed programs,  
with separate source trees, does not suddenly mean that one of the  
programs just "doesn't count" when somebody asks a question about  
it.   That's a poor excuse.

Also:  The current developers listed on both projects at sourceforge  
have 50% overlap.  That's not exactly independent.

> They were not originally designed for each other.

Nor were peanut butter and jelly, nor mac and cheese.  What's your  

> That they play well
> together is a testimony to the power of clean interface design. Let's
> not forget that, because if we do we will lose that power.

You are implying that continuing to acknowledge PCB as one of the  
extended suite of gEDA programs will lead to a loss in our valued  
flexibility.  No one is saying that, and it's bad logic.

> I disagree. The abuse of terminology here is dangerous, because it
> encourages the delusion that gEDA and pcb would be better if they
> were more integrated. Integrated tools may be easier to use in some
> sense, but they don't have gEDA's productivity potential.

I think that all that anyone has asked is that you acknowledge the  
integration that does already exist.

 From what I can tell, you're reasonably happy with that level of  
integration-- i.e., not much integration at all.  As you've said, it  
is a separate program with a separate source tree.

> The discussions of gEDA's shortcomings here are disturbingly short-
> sighted.

Maybe.  But probably not as short sighted as your contention that  
acknowledging PCB is "dangerous."


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