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Re: gEDA-user: Blind and buried vias?

How about we move this thread back to its original topic of blind and
buried vias, not arguments regarding whether or not PCB is part of gEDA.

I have some questions out of plain curiosity: completely aside from the
question of how they ought to be handled by GNU PCB or any other PCB
design tool, I wonder how these blind/buried vias work at a more basic

1. How are blind/buried vias made physically?  I thought they glued the
   layers together first, then drilled the holes.

2. How are they represented in the Gerber+drill file set that passes
   from the PCB design tool to the fab?

I'm asking out of plain curiosity - I hope that I never have to make a
board with such vias as I've heard that they add a bit of sadomasochistic
flavor to board bringup/debug efforts - but then I guess some boards are
so cramped for space that you can't avoid them...


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