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Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

> But citation still needed, or it *is* trolling.

No citation is needed - the GPL is a legal document.  Bring it to a
lawyer if you want a legal opinion.  You should never rely on the
Internet for legal advice.  All we can give you are opinions.  Even a
*lawyer* on the Internet can only give opinions - they need to know
the specifics of your case to give legal advice.

> You are expressing a possibly inflammatory opinion without evidence
> to back it up.

Trolling is when you post something innocent and minor, in hopes that
someone *else* will follow up with an inflamatory comment, and start
an argument.

> It sounds like you're actually unsure of your position too.

I can give you my opinion and my justification on why I think I'm
right, but it's not legal advice - it's my opinion.  As soon as you
start yelling for proof, I'm stepping away from it.  I'm not a lawyer.
You want proof, you need a lawyer.

> The GPL Violations FAQ

I don't know of *any* case where 3b was used, ever.  Well, OK, one - I
got a box with a paper letter in it saying "write to us to get
sources", but that was many years ago.  That disqualified it from the
"Frequently" status in my book.

> No indication is made to distinguish between a downloaded
> offer/distribution and one obtained on physical media.

That doesn't mean their definition of "written" matches yours.

> Why would they say this if a written offer online were insufficient?

Note that the FSF is talking about GPLv3 these days but gEDA/PCB uses
GPLv2.  The wording is different.  GPLv3 specifically restricts the
"written offer" to accompany physical distribution media.  Binaries
distributed over the network do not have that option.  From that, one
implies their original intent.  Perhaps they're checking to see if the
web site says "you should have received..."

> If it comes down to someone suing you in court, then hopefully you
> can find several witnesses who can each attest that they used this
> version of the software back in 2010.

You have to find witnesses who can attest that the software was NOT
made available on the date in question.  Very hard to prove a

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