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Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

Kai-Martin Knaak:
> Karl Hammar wrote:
> >> 6, add some kind of GUI control to activate/deactivate rules
> > Gui things are for others to contribute with, but maybe if we could 
> > make drc2 react on some attributes?
> How about an attribute to the connecting net to silence drc2 at this 
> specific place?
> >> 7, add a way to ignore to ignore specific violations
> I meant, specific instances within the circuit. Sometimes I 
> deliberately connect power nets to input pins. There should 
> be a way to tell drc2 that this it should not complain in 
> this special instance. But it should still alert me about
> power-input violations everywhere else. 

Thoose two could go under the same proposal:

A, make drcX react on what's on the attached net,
   like a attached nc.sym.

B, put an attribute somewhere else in the gschem file, e.g. at a 
   similar place like the refdes of the symbol: "don't complain about my 
   pin no. xx".

Since that would be something for a future drc, let's start a new 
thread for that and proposals like

> > BTW, your job could be to test the patches and see to that they gets 
> > applied!
> I'll put them to a test on friday. (No much free cycles until then)

 I have currently theese:

 This message's:


 attachment appearantly didn't made it through, but
 you can use the supplied code to generate it yourself:

find . -type f -name \*.sym | xargs perl -i -ne 'if (m/^numslots\=0/) { undef($old); } else { print $old if $old; undef($old); if (m/^T /) {  $old = $_; } else { print; }}'

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

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