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Re: gEDA-user: gschem sym files

Karl Hammar wrote:

>> 4, add explicit documentation on the rules in the wiki
> I'm not the wiki man. I could read the code (I assume you mean drc2)
> and try to describe it in text, but someone else has to enter it 
> into the wiki.

Ok, if you describe the rules here on the list, I'd volunteer to infuse 
it at an appropriate place in the wiki. 

>> 5, add a tutorial on how to adapt the DRC rules to the local needs
> From what I can see you have to learn scheme for that.

Well documented examples would take me a long way.

> Can you give exaples of local needs?

Some people like consider any not connected pin an error, others would 
only expect a warning. Some might find not connected pins completely 
acceptable and consequently find errors and warnings annoying. Digital 
enthusiasts may add special pin types for different signal levels. 
Analog designers might find it perfectly acceptable to connect pwr to 
in pins.

>> 6, add some kind of GUI control to activate/deactivate rules
> Gui things are for others to contribute with, but maybe if we could 
> make drc2 react on some attributes?

How about an attribute to the connecting net to silence drc2 at this 
specific place?

>> 7, add a way to ignore to ignore specific violations
> In gnet-drc2.scm:
> ;; Example:
> ;; (define dont-check-non-numbered-parts 1)

I meant, specific instances within the circuit. Sometimes I 
deliberately connect power nets to input pins. There should 
be a way to tell drc2 that this it should not complain in 
this special instance. But it should still alert me about
power-input violations everywhere else. 

> BTW, your job could be to test the patches and see to that they gets 
> applied!

I'll put them to a test on friday. (No much free cycles until then)

Kai-Martin Knaak
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