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Re: gEDA-user: time for a pcb release cycle?

On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 12:54:27 +0100
Peter Clifton <pcjc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-09-07 at 10:42 +0200, Kovacs Levente wrote:
> > Each time I save my layout, a message appears: "layout changed. Do you
> > want to load it?" or something like that.
> > 
> > Brrrrrr.... well of couse it changed! I saved it! :-) Ok, I know it is a good
> > feature...
> Yes - it turns out that my code here is very buggy. I'm working on a
> fix, but it turns out that there are some quite subtle things going on. 
> Disconnecting the file-watch before save, then re-connecting it after
> doesn't even work (sometimes), as for some reason - after having used
> the GTK file-selector dialog to pick a file-name, the file-watch code
> will report events from changes on disk BEFORE you hooked it up.

How about this for a solution:

1. When saving to disk, don't disconnect/reconnect the file watch,
   just leave it connected.  However, ignore any file modification
   events until the save is completed.
   Set a flag: ignore_changes := True

2. Immediately after the save is completed, read the modification
   time on the file from disk.  Store this time:
   save_time := file.mtime

3. Set ignore_changes := False to resume processing file
   modification events.  The modification event handler should,
   however, ignore any modification event if the file modification
   time is equal to the previously captured save_time.


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