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gEDA-user: reasons for wikibook (was: plugins)

Vladimir Zhbanov wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 10:51:31PM +0200, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
>> I am close to start off a gEDA wikibook (http://en.wikibooks.org).
>> Would you join the effort?

> How about updating the existing wiki documentation?

Reasons to go for wikibooks:

a) IMHO, it is good practice to have a user manual completely separate 
from documentation of features, formats and APIs. While the latter has 
to be complete, comprehensive and super correct, the former should 
focus on ease of use. These are conflicting goals. Think automatic 
extraction from the source versus  

a) wikibooks provides a full fledged environment geared toward cooperative
work on text documents. It comes with all the communication features you 
need (discussion page associated with each content page, user discussion, 

b) mediawiki syntax is rich in features and proven to work for large
groups of authors. 

c) There is a host of howtos and help pages for each and every feature 
that mediawiki delivers. 

d) There are versions in many languages. This is good for translation.

e) The entry barrier is as low as it can get. If general readers 
spot a glitch, they can press the edit button correct the error and
are done. This provides a opportunity to foster participation of more
users. Compare this to the circumstances inside the geda project.
You need to send an email to an admin to even see the edit buttons in 
the gpleda-wiki. Changes to the pcb manual require git patches and 
an approval by core devs like changes to the code in git-head.
Given the consistent tendency toward more wall-in over the years, 
I don't expect this attitude to change anytime soon.

f) The geda devs have no more say in what goes in a wiki book, than 
any other user.

g) There is a kicad wikibook.

Kai-Martin Knaak, Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Moderation of geda-user seems to be lifted somewhat, lately. I am 
still unhappy with it. Why? Because it is completely nontransparent.

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