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Re: gEDA-user: Speaker SPICE modeling with gschem and ng-spice/gnucap

Hello Hannu,

I have a python module that can reads ngspice data and export arbitrary vector to PWL source. I'm using it for quite long time.
If You have any questions then please let me know.

I remember that I was using it to auto optimize a circuit: run ngspice from python, import it's data, perform a computation of a new waveform, export it then run ngspice again and so on. I think that I might be able to find this work as an example if You are interested.

I hope this will help,
Michael W. 

Dnia 12 wrzeÅnia 2011 23:09 Hannu Vuolasaho <vuokko@xxxxxxx> napisaÅ(a):

> Hi!
> I have been playing with one guitar amplifier project for a while and so far the amplifier design has been more or less copy and paste and simulate and guess from graphs. However I bumped in net this blog post 
> http://nordicnerd.blogspot.com/2011/08/active-speakers-spice-with-actual-audio.html
> Is it possible to do same thing? Input wav to simulator and get speaker's output and hear it? I know it's not perfect but it could be very helpful. Has someone done this before and provide some hints, examples or links?
> Best regards,
> Hannu Vuolasaho
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#!/usr/bin/env python

#NgSpice import / export

import numpy, pylab
import string, os, tempfile

def fromng(file):
		Import ngspice file to dictionary

		tuple = fromng(file)

	ngimport = {}
	fng = open(file, 'r')									#opens file
	while True:
		line = fng.readline()
		line = line.split()
		ltype = string.lower(line[0])
		if ltype.find("title") != -1:
			ngimport.update(title = string.join(line[1:]))				#title
		elif ltype.find("date") != -1:
			ngimport.update(date = string.join(line[1:]))				#date
		elif ltype.find("plotname") != -1:
			ngimport.update(plot_name = string.join(line[1:]))			#plot name
		elif ltype.find("flags") != -1:
			ngimport.update(flags = string.join(line[1:]))				#flags
		elif ltype.find("no.") != -1:
			if string.lower(line[1]).find("variables") != -1:
				ngimport.update(no_variables = int(line[2]))			#number of variables
			elif string.lower(line[1]).find("points") != -1:
				ngimport.update(no_points = int(line[2]))			#number of points
		elif ltype.find("variables") != -1:
			vnames = []
			for i in range(ngimport["no_variables"]):
				line = fng.readline()
				vnames.append(line.split()[1:])					#add variable name
		elif ltype.find("binary") != -1:
			break									#now jump to binary data

	dat = numpy.fromfile(fng, 'd', ngimport["no_variables"]*ngimport["no_points"], '')	#read all binary data
	for i, var in enumerate(vnames):							#create output tuple keys
		ngimport.update({var[0]: dat[i:len(dat):ngimport["no_variables"]]})
		print var
	return ngimport


def fromHP(file, comment='%', delim=' '):
	"""Reads file from HP oscilloscope data file"""

	data = pylab.load(file, comment,delim)
	chans = data.shape[1]							#load file and extract number of collumns
	scopeimport = {"time": data[:,0]}					#write time
	scopeimport["time"] = scopeimport["time"] - min(scopeimport["time"])	#fix time (move from negative)
	for i in range(1, chans):
			scopeimport.update({'ch%1d'%i: data[:,i]})		#add channels entry
			print 'ch%1d'%i
	print "Points %d"%len(scopeimport['ch1'])
	return scopeimport


def fromMET(file):
	"""Reads file Metrix scope TXT file"""

	fmet = open(file, 'r')
	dt = float(fmet.readline().split()[1])
	unit = fmet.readline()

	scopeimport = {"ch1": pylab.load(file, skiprows=2)}
	scopeimport["time"] = pylab.linspace(0, dt*2500, num=2500, endpoint=False)
	print "Points %d, %s"%(len(scopeimport["ch1"]), unit)
	return scopeimport


def topwl(file, time, data, subckt="pwlsource"):
	"""Export data array (time, values) to PWL ngspice source"""

	fpwl = open(file, 'w')
	dstr = "*crated by topwl\n*number of points: %d\n.SUBCKT "%len(time) +subckt+ " 1 2\nV1 1 2 PWL\n"		#header
	for t, d in zip(time, data):
		dstr = dstr + "+" + str(t) + " " + str(d) + "\n"
	dstr = dstr + ".ENDS\n"
	print "Written %d points to %s"%(len(time),file)


def runng(cirfile):
	"""Runs ngspice and loads returned data"""

	tmpcir = tempfile.mkstemp()
	fcir = open(cirfile, 'r')
	line = "*\n"
	iswrite = False
	while line:
		line = fcir.readline()
		if line[0] == '*':
		if line.find("write") != -1:			#find where write directive is
			iswrite = True
			outfile = line.split()[1]		#assume that write is first word
	print "Running ngspice.... simulating %s"%cirfile
	os.system("libprm -n %s %s"%(cirfile, tmpcir[1]))	#get libs and subckts
	os.system("ngspice %s"%tmpcir[1])
	if iswrite == True:
		print "Reading results from %s"%outfile
		out = fromng(outfile)
		return out
	print "No write directive found"


if __name__ == "__main__":
	dat = fromng("test.dat")
	print dat.keys()
	print len(dat)

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