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Re: [pygame] Packaging many small sound files

> Being able to play the ogg directly instead of having
> to decompress would be good.  You'd need to be able to
> skip anywhere into the ogg, which sould be possible,
> although I don't know if it's implemented in pygame
> yet.

You can do it. Using mixer.music, you just play the file with a second 
offset for when to start. works great. for example, in pyDDR, I:

         pygame.mixer.music.play(0, self.startsec)

and life is good.

*  tgz@orotech.net  *  http://clickass.org  *  ICQ# 1107012  *  AIM/Yahoo: 
theGREENzebra  *  http://mp3.com/thegreenzebra
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