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Re: [pygame] Collision Detection with Pygame/OpenGL Surfaces

I'm not entirely sure, but I think what you actually want is http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/documentation/manual/gluPickMatrix.3G.xml this lets you render a small portion of the scene (like the portion that's under the cursor) and stores the rendered objects into a selection buffer.


Ian Mallett wrote:
I'm making a program for visualizing molecules. Each atom will be selected by the mouse. Since I know the color of each atom, my idea for detecting if a mouse is over one is as follows:

1: get the color of the pixel the mouse is over
2: if the color is __ select the atom with that color. The problem is, pygame has issues with OpenGL surfaces and the call to Surface.get_at() declares I can't call an OpenGL surface. Is there any way to get around this? Thanks,