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Re: [pygame] The Giant - 'cool project I'm working on now' - thread.

Knapp wrote:

Yes, I thought that perhaps I did not get it also. So now that I think
I do get it. What about using to sprites and pixel perfect collision?
One would be the shape and the other would be the hole. If sprites
with holes don't work then use a bunch of sprites to create the hole's
Did I get it this time? Still not totally sure.

Another way is to use the center point of the object and set up paths
that the object must stay within that are defined by rectangles. Can
you rotate the objects?

I am not sure what you mean by drag objects along the edges of other
objects or why you would want to do it. I still feel that sprite
collision might be the way to go.

The real problem is collision response in a way, rather than collision detection. Consider a situation where you want to place a ball at a precise spot on a surface. You grab the ball, and move your pointer into the surface. Then you want to slide it left or right because it's not right where you want it. Now, since the ball is already touching the surface, if the collision response is something like 'if collide(ball, table): dontmove()' then you can't slide the ball, you have to pick it up off the table and move it. That's what I mean by sliding along a surface.

Another important example is putting something inside a hole. It's a design game, so I don't care if objects "teleport" through other objects while you're dragging them around. Let's say you have an area enclosed on all sides, and an object that fits inside:

##  ##     OO
##  ##     OO
######   object


With most collision response mechanisms, you would need to position the mouse _exactly_ in the center of the area, because otherwise the object will be colliding with the walls of the area, so it can't move. With the mechanism I'm working on, if you drag it anywhere near the hole, it will pop inside.

I've thought of doing this in a pixel-perfect way (actually that would be better for my game), but I can't think of an efficient way to do it. I'm not sure if the algorithm I have in mind for a vector-based solution is efficient enough, but it's at least feasible. I think it might be possible to do it using image processing tools (I think this is related to convolution, for example), but I don't know enough about it to go that route.

A demo is worth a thousand words, so I've attached a little demo using just circles which almost works if you want to play with it. Just python circles.py There's some floating point issues so sometimes the circles end up inside each other, but it mostly works and shows what I'm after.

This module contains code for the dragging routines I plan to implement, but
for the simplified case where the only shapes are circles.  It's still pretty
complicated, but at least in this case I can make some simplifications.

from vector import *
from random import randint
import math

# TODO: something better for tolerance
eps = 0.0001

class Circle( object ):

	def __init__( self, center, radius ):
		self.center = center
		self.radius = float( radius )

	def collide( self, other ):
		"returns a list of 0, 1, or 2 collision points between this circle and another"
		c1,r1 = self.center,  self.radius
		c2,r2 = other.center, other.radius

		radsq = (r1 + r2)**2
		diff  = c2 - c1
		lensq = abs2(diff)

		if lensq > radsq:
			# circles are non-intersecting
			return []
			alpha = (r1**2 - r2**2)/(2*lensq) + 0.5
			gamma = sqrt(r1**2 / lensq - alpha**2)
			if abs(gamma) < eps:
				# two intersections are close - call them one
				return  c1 + alpha*diff
				#return []
				# there are two separate intersections
				return [c1 + alpha*diff + gamma*rot(diff),
						c1 + alpha*diff - gamma*rot(diff)]

	def contains( self, point ):
		diff = point - self.center
		result = abs2(diff) < self.radius**2 - eps
		return result

	def grow_by( self, other ):
		# TODO: reconcile the semantics with the general case
		return Circle( self.center, self.radius + other.radius )

	def closest_point( self, point ):
		relative   = point - self.center
		normalized = relative * self.radius / abs( relative )
		return normalized + self.center

	def invert( self ):
		return Circle( self.center, self.radius )

	def __repr__( self ):
		return "Circle(" + repr( self.center ) + ", " + repr( self.radius ) + ")"

class CircleUnion( object ):
	class Intersection( object ):
		def __init__( self, loc, c1, c2 ):
			dc1 = c1.center - loc
			dc2 = c2.center - loc

			# c1 -> loc -> c2 is counterclockwise, swap c1 and c2
			if dot(dc1,rot( dc2 )) < -eps:
				c1, c2  = c2,  c1
				dc1,dc2 = dc2, dc1

			self.loc = loc
			self.c1  = c1
			self.dc1 = dc1
			self.c2  = c2
			self.dc2 = dc2
			self.bumped = self.loc + (dc1/abs(dc1) + dc2/abs(dc2))

		def __repr__( self ):
			return 'Intersection at ' + repr( self.loc ) + ' centers ' + repr( self.c1.center ) + ' and ' + repr( self.c2.center )

	class Component( object ):
		def __init__( self, circle ):
			self.circles       = [circle]
			self.intersections = []

		def contains( self, point ):
			for c in self.circles:
				if c.contains( point ):
					return True

			return False

		def closest_point( self, x ):
			"""Finds the closest point to x on the boundary of this component,
			   assuming that x lies within the component"""

			if len(self.intersections) == 0:
				return self.circles[0].closest_point( x )

			# find closest intersection to x
			_, closest = min( [(abs2(ix.bumped - x),
			                    ix) for ix in self.intersections] )

			# translate intersection to origin
			dx  = x - closest.loc
			dc1 = closest.dc1
			dc2 = closest.dc2

			# check if x is in the arc of c1
			if dot(dx, dc1) > 0 and dot(dx, rot(dc1)) > 0:
				return closest.c1.closest_point( x )

			# similarly if x is in the arc of c2
			if dot(dx, dc2) > 0 and dot(dx, rot(dc2)) < 0:
				return closest.c2.closest_point( x )

			# if neither, the closest point to x must be the intersection of the two.
			return closest.loc

	def __init__( self, circles ):

		# compute the list of intersections
		intersections = []
		for i in range( 0, len(circles) ):
			c1 = circles[i]

			for j in range(0,i):
				c2 = circles[j]

				intersections += [CircleUnion.Intersection( loc, c1, c2 ) for loc in c1.collide( c2 )]

		# build the connected components
		# TODO: this is inefficient
		components = dict( [(c, CircleUnion.Component(c)) for c in circles] )
		for ix in intersections:
			comp = components[ix.c1]
			comp.intersections.append( ix )
			if components[ix.c2] != comp:
				comp.intersections += components[ix.c2].intersections
				for c in components[ix.c2].circles:
					comp.circles.append( c )
					components[c] = comp

		self._comp_map = components
		self._comp_set = frozenset( components.values() )

		# discard intersections that are contained in some circle
		for comp in self._comp_set:
			comp.intersections = filter( lambda ix: not filter( lambda circ: circ.contains( ix.loc ), comp.circles ), comp.intersections ) # TODO: this is too slick

	def closest_point( self, x ):
		for comp in self._comp_set:
			if comp.contains( x ):
				return comp.closest_point( x )
		return x

def shadow( obstacles, object ):
	return CircleUnion( [o.grow_by( object ) for o in obstacles] )

## Demo code                                                                  ##

def rundemo():
	import pygame
	screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600))
	paper  = pygame.Surface((800,600))

	class CSprite( pygame.sprite.Sprite ):
		def __init__( self, x, y, r ):
			pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__( self )
			self.rect   = pygame.Rect( x - r, y - r, 2*r, 2*r )
			self.circle = Circle( Vec(x,y), r )
			self.image  = pygame.Surface( (2*r, 2*r) ).convert()
			self.image.set_colorkey( (0,0,0), pygame.RLEACCEL )
			pygame.draw.circle( self.image, (0, 0, 255), (r,r), r, 1 )

		def set_pos( self, pos ):
			self.rect.center   = int(pos.x), int(pos.y)
			self.circle.center = pos

	class Demo( object ):
		def __init__( self, N ):
			self.circles = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()
			for i in range(0,N):
				to_add        = CSprite( randint( 100, 700 ), randint(100, 500), randint(20, 100) )
				to_add.set_pos( shadow( [c.circle for c in self.circles], to_add.circle ).closest_point( to_add.circle.center ) )
				self.circles.add( to_add )

			# self.circles.add( CSprite( 250, 300, 75 ) )
			# self.circles.add( CSprite( 400, 150, 75 ) )
			# self.circles.add( CSprite( 550, 300, 75 ) )
			# self.circles.add( CSprite( 400, 300, 75 ) )

			self.dragging   = None
			self.offset     = None
			self.shadow     = None
			self.background = paper
			self.debug      = False

		def mousedown( self, point ):
			dragging = None
			for c in self.circles:
				if c.circle.contains( point ):
					dragging = c

			if dragging:
				self.offset = dragging.circle.center - point
				self.shadow = shadow( [c.circle for c in self.circles if c != dragging], dragging.circle )

				if self.debug:
					self.background = paper.copy()
					for comp in self.shadow._comp_set:
						r,g,b = randint(64,192), randint(64,192), randint(64,192)

						for c in comp.circles:
							pygame.draw.circle( self.background, (r+32,g+32,b+32), (c.center.x, c.center.y), c.radius, 1 )
						for ix in comp.intersections:
							pygame.draw.circle( self.background, (r,g,b), (ix.loc.x, ix.loc.y), 3 )
							pygame.draw.circle( self.background, (r,g,b), (ix.bumped.x, ix.bumped.y), 2 )

					screen.blit( self.background, (0,0) )

			self.dragging = dragging

		def mouseup( self, point ):
			self.dragging = None

			if self.debug:
				self.background = paper
				screen.blit( paper, (0,0) )
				self.circles.draw( screen )

		def mousemove( self, point ):
			if self.dragging:
				newpos = self.shadow.closest_point( point + self.offset )
				pygame.draw.circle( screen, (0,128,0), newpos - self.offset, 3 )
				self.dragging.set_pos( newpos )

		def run( self ):
			pygame.mouse.set_visible( 1 )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( None )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( pygame.constants.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( pygame.constants.MOUSEBUTTONUP )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( pygame.constants.MOUSEMOTION )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( pygame.constants.KEYUP )
			pygame.event.set_allowed( pygame.constants.QUIT )

			screen.blit( paper, (0,0) )
			self.circles.draw( screen )
			while True:
				event = pygame.event.wait()
				self.circles.clear( screen, self.background )
				if event.type == pygame.constants.QUIT:
					sys.exit( 0 )
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.constants.K_ESCAPE:
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.constants.K_TAB:
					self.debug = not self.debug
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.constants.K_RETURN:
					for c in self.circles:
						print c.circle
					for comp in self.shadow._comp_set:
						for ix in comp.intersections:
							print ix
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
					self.mousedown( Vec( *event.pos ) )
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
					self.mouseup( Vec( *event.pos ) )
				elif event.type == pygame.constants.MOUSEMOTION:
					self.mousemove( Vec( *event.pos ) )

				pygame.display.update( self.circles.draw( screen ) )

	Demo( 7 ).run()

if __name__ == '__main__':

# vim: ts=4 sw=4 ai
from math import sqrt

class Vec:
	def __init__( self, x, y ):
		self.x = float(x)
		self.y = float(y)

	def __iadd__( self, other ):
		self.x += other.x
		self.y += other.y
		return self

	def __isub__( self, other ):
		self.x -= other.x
		self.y -= other.y
		return self

	def __idiv__( self, other ):
		self.x /= other.x
		self.y /= other.y
		return self

	def __imul__( self, other ):
		self.x *= other
		self.y *= other
		return self

	def __add__( self, other ):
		return Vec( self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y )

	def __sub__( self, other ):
		return Vec( self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y )

	def __mul__( self, other ):
		return Vec( self.x * other, self.y * other )

	def __rmul__( self, other ):
		return self * other

	def __div__( self, other ):
		return Vec( self.x / other, self.y / other )

	def __rdiv( self, other ):
		return None

	def __abs__( self ):
		return sqrt( self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y )

	def __neg__( self ):
		return Vec( - self.x, - self.y )

	def __repr__( self ):
		return "Vec( %s, %s )" % (repr( self.x ), repr( self.y ))

	def __str__( self ):
		return "Vec( %s, %s )" % (self.x, self.y)

	def __getitem__( self, index ):
		return (self.x,self.y)[index]

	def __len__( self ):
		return 2

def dot(a, b):
	return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y

def abs2( v ):
	return dot( v, v )

def rot( v ):
	"rotate a vector one-quarter turn clockwise.  This could be called the 2D cross product"
	return Vec( v.y, -v.x )