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Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki

Thanks for the bugs. IE7 also has some graphical issues with the menu that I still need to address.


--- On Fri, 7/31/09, claudio canepa <ccanepacc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: claudio canepa <ccanepacc@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki
> To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
> Date: Friday, July 31, 2009, 11:37 PM
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 12:55 AM,
> Devon Scott-Tunkin <djvonfunkin@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote: 
>  ... This is something I have put
> much thought into and I believe using a combination of fluid
> width with maximum and minimums is the best solution for
> single column pages and have chosen this design instead of
> fixed width or completely fluid width.
> As webpagesthatsuck.com
> will tell you in its list of no-nos for web design:
> -Our site uses liquid design.
> -Our site uses fixed-width design. (You can't win.
> Liquid is wrong on wide-screen monitors because you have
> line lengths that are hard to read — and vice versa.)
> you just can't win ;).
> but if you want the objectivity behind my decisions please
> read:
> http://www.humanfactors.com/downloads/feb03.asp
> I find it interesting that this study notes kids prefer ~45
> characters per line and then web 2.0 sites popular with kids
> (myspace (shudder), facebook, blog templates etc) all have
> extremely short fixed-length line lengths for their content
> columns.
> best,
> Devon
> Specific
> content adds additional constraints to the width conundrum;
> look at
> http://pygameweb.no-ip.org/snippets/4/
> some code lines are truncated to fit, very bad for
> code.And adding a horizontal scroll bar is not
> really a solution.The projects column adds
> nothing to the page value, and takes real state better to be
> used for code.
> (additional note for this specific page: IE7 cannot
> save this page as html plus images; only as .mht
> ) --claxo