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Re: [pygame] Documentation changes in trunk
nice one :)
Have a look here:
You'll notice that there's some errors building on windows, and osx.
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Vicent Marti<tanoku@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This will be merged into trunk in 30 minutes, since nobody seems to
> have any objections. If you merge your GSoC module after that, you'll
> have to change that include line, just like any other GSoC students
> who merge back new modules into trunk; if the movie module is already
> present, I'll fix it up myself. ^^
> Hook me up on IRC or mail if you find any issues.
> Cheers,
> Vicent Martí
> http://www.bellverde.org
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Tyler Laing<trinioler@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> This is in trunk/docs right?
>> -Tyler
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Vicent Marti wrote:
>>>> Hello there fine gentlemen,
>>>> I know you are all going to hate this, but I've had to do some minor
>>>> changes to the documentation system on my GSoC branch for the FreeType
>>>> module (pygame-ftmod): I was having an issue were the C documentation
>>>> defines for my Font methods were colliding with the defines for the
>>>> original Font module; I fixed it by changing 2 lines in the makeref.py
>>>> so each PyGame module gets its own header file, instead of having all
>>>> of them depend on the same "pygamedocs.h".
>>>> The changes required to adapt to this are minimal, as you'd guess: in
>>>> any module C file, you need to replace the #include "pygamedocs.h"
>>>> with an #include "docs/MODULENAME_doc.h".
>>>> These changes for all existing modules are obviously already done on
>>>> my branch, but I'd like to double check in the mailing list to make
>>>> sure this isn't a nuisance or too big of a problem for anybody, before
>>>> merging my branch back into trunk.
>>>> Speak now if you totally hate me and this change (and propose another
>>>> approach if possible!). Otherwise I'll be commiting this in the
>>>> following days.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Vicent Martí
>>>> http://www.bellverde.org
>>> Hi Vincent,
>>> I don't see any problems. But everyone else merging back to the main
>>> branch will have to make same changes to any modules they are adding.
>>> Lenard Lindstrom
>> --
>> Visit my blog at http://oddco.ca/zeroth/zblog