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Re: [pygame] Testing for button in a table in OcempGUI

On, Thu Dec 29, 2005, Laura Creighton wrote:

> In a message of Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:26:00 +0200, Johan Geldenhuys writes:
> >Marcus,
> >I tried this

> It should look more like this pseudo-code:
>      already_have_a_letter_waiting = False
>      for i in range(tbl_words.rows):
>         for j in range(tbl_words.columns):
>             if not already_have_a_letter_waiting:
> 	        letter = self.letters()
>                 button = Button(letter)
>                 button.border = BORDER_NONE
>                 button.padding = 0
>                 already_have_a_letter_waiting = True:
> 	    try:
> 		# here comes the stuff that causes the exception
>                 tbl_words.add_child(i, j, button)
>                 button.connect_signal(SIG_CLICKED, self.clicked, button, 
>                                       i,j, letter)
>                 self.button_list(i, j, letter)
> 		already_have_a_letter_waiting = False
> 	   except PasteInWhateverExceptionYouGetFromYourTraceback:
> 		already_have_a_letter_waiting = True

Or the easier way:

for i in range(tbl_words.rows):
    for j in range(tbl_words.columns):
        if tbl_words.grid[(i, j)] == None:
           # Add a child, the table cell is empty.


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