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Re: [pygame] Promoting cheeseshop/pypi for game releases?

Oh. I'd also like it to support pygame zero games :)

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 11:41 PM, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I started making a tool for doing the zero config releases. It's not done yet, but it is almost able to release itself.


(still not sure it's a good idea... but maybe)

    pyrelease [optional folder defaults to current working directory]

The basic steps are these.
  • Gather facts. (much like ansible if you know it)
  • Create setup.py files in a temp folder
  • build sdist
  • Upload files to pypi
  • tag a new version in git.
The three use cases I'm aiming to make it work with.

It should support single file modules, packages, and also /data/ folders. As well it supports making a script automatically if it finds a main(). As well it finds dependencies by parsing the python code (I'll add requirements.txt later). So if you import pygame, click, flask etc... it adds them to install_requires in the setup.py.
  • I want to add logging of facts. eg. 'Found author: "Rene" in ~/.gitrc". Could not find autor in ~/.hgrc
  • Suggest additions for missing things. eg. How to create a pypi account, how to make ~.pypirc, git.
  • Have to make uploading to pypi easier, especially when things go wrong.
  • thinking of removing the setuptools dependency... only thing I use it for is find_packages so far. I've been writing another more modern implementation of that anyway.
  • Pynsist support (or py2exe, pyinstaller, whatever)
  • tests, and tests against test . pypi . python . org
  • "add setup files into this repo" for when the tool fails to be good enough.
  • notice telling people to go to packaging. python .org if they want more
  • decide on convention for screenshots (probably screenshots/ folder)
  • bitbucket, and better hg support.
  • pyweek upload support.
  • try releasing a few more things with it.
  • watch some other people try and use it.

​A nice thing about it was I was easily able to rename the project three times. Just by renaming files and folders.

Anyway... I'll try another day on it and see how it turns out.