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Re: [pygame] event object

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Then, from somewhere, you have a wide unicode build.  You need to either 
> (a) get yourself a narrow unicode build
>  -or-
> (b) recompile pygame against the wide build you have installed
> (a) can probably be achieved by going to http://www.python.org/2.2.1/
> and downloading the RPM and (b) is presumably a matter of downloading
> the pygame source and running "python2 setup.py install".

michael, impressive insight here, glad you knew what this was all about, 
because it had me a bit puzzled. i've got a couple questions about it though.

is there any way i could provide binaries that worked for both types of 
unicode? i assume not. here is the line of code in event.c that i'm sure is 
the problem..

insobj(dict, "unicode", PyUnicode_FromUnicode(
	event->key.keysym.unicode > 0));

this is translating the "unicode" value from the SDL event to the pygame 
event. to make things interesting, i have some crazy macros defined that 
allow this code to compile on "pre-unicode" versions of python.

#define PyUnicode_Check(text) 0
#define PyUnicode_AsUnicode(text) text
#define Py_UNICODE void
#define PyUnicode_FromUnicode(p,c) PyLong_FromLong(*(short*)(p))

perhaps instead of calling the "C" versions of this function i could do the 
work on the python side? something like


or even something magic like this?

PyObject *temp = Py_BuildValue("(u)", &event->key.keysym.unicode);
PyObject *unicode = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(temp, 0);

unfortunately i'm not too framiliar with the unicode stuff in python, i 
suppose i'll need to dig into the source and see if i have an option?
seems like a lame thing to require two versions of pygame binaries for. 
anyone have any insight as to why redhat would use different than default 
unicode chars?

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