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Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

check out Opioid2D

On 7/8/07, Ian Mallett <geometrian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Never tried that...  The way I do 2D interfaces is to draw them after
everything else at the near clipping plane after a call to glLoadIdentity()

On 7/8/07, kschnee@xxxxxxxxxx <kschnee@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, July 9, 2007 12:51 am, Jasper wrote:
> > Using openGL for 2D allows you to take advantage of 3D graphics cards
> > for smooth scrolling and zooming, or to tilt otherwise 2D game boards
> > 2D.  I also suspect that it'll let you handle more objects on the
> > screen at once (especially if they're duplicates), although I haven't
> > comparison tests for this.
> I came across a set of tutorials besides NeHe that are worth referring to,
> but I've not got the link on me at the moment.
> I'm probably repeating myself, but:
> I've been interested in using OpenGL with Pygame for some time, and got to
> the point of writing a cube-based rotating "landscape" and a
> triangle-based textured landscape with a billboarded sprite.
> Unfortunately, I found that I didn't know how to combine OpenGL 3D
> graphics with any sort of 2D graphics operations, since you can't just
> draw an OpenGL screen and then use Pygame graphics functions to paint atop
> it. That means no interface and no text, hence no game. I've tried several
> times to use various libraries purportedly for doing that sort of thing,
> but have not been able to make any of them work in the limited time
> available to me, especially using Windows and my homebrew GUI module.
> Every so often I go at it and give up again.
> What I'd like is a stupidly simple textured 3D landscape with billboarded
> sprites, maybe even viewed from a constant camera angle, with a
> decent-looking skybox and an easy way to draw my interface atop that. I'd
> even be happy using a flat landscape, ie. a plane that can be tilted and
> zoomed. The particular requirements of my game do require, though, that I
> load a really big array of heights at once, or be able to load new points
> on the fly. For now I've got a working Pygame 2D system using tiles.
> What do you think of PyOgre? I haven't looked into it lately, but the last
> time I worked with it:
> -Creating a small landscape with a nice sky was easy
> -The official interface system, CEGUI, wasn't working in Python and I had
> to cobble together a barely-working UI of my own
> -It wasn't clear to me how to do sprites
> When working with 3D there's also the concern with the use of sprites vs.
> 3D characters. The latter seem to be a lot harder to do, and don't look as
> good for the same level of skill.