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Re: [pygame] Perlin Noise Function


The noise lib that Casey made looks pretty cool :)

There's also noise code in cgkit (a 3d lib for python).

Maybe it would be useful if someone made, or copied a list of cool
things you could do with noise functions.  Then we can decide if noise
is useful for lots of people to include it with pygame.

Casey, would you be interested in having your noise code included in
pygame at some point?


On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Hugo Arts <hugo.yoshi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Knapp <magick.crow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I would argue that Perlin is a simple function and in no way comes close to
>> the complexity of a GUI. That said, I have always wished that Pygame had a
>> gui that was as good as the rest of it. I have found all the GUI's that I
>> have tried that are refrenced on the web site to be lacking (I did this a
>> few years ago, I am sure they have improved).
> I'm talking not about the complexity involved in developing or using
> it. By basic functionality I mean things
> that a majority or at least a substantial amount of game devs will
> need and/or make use of. I don't see that with noise functions.
>> As for people not using it, I am sure that is because they don't understand
>> it well or how it could be useful.  A good doc with some examples would go a
>> long way towards changing that.
> I think you hit the source of the problem right there. Using Perlin
> noise in game development is a relatively arcane/advanced
> subject, something that not many people know how, why and when to use.
> And yes, if you show them a something really cool making use of this
> and then explain how they can make really cool things using it, then
> they will be enthusiastic. I recommend you go do that.
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Knapp <magick.crow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>After 20 years of programming, I am happy to let someone else do the math and hard core coding. I really like the top level designing. I do >the rest only when I must. My current project is a movie with blender 3d and the a 3d game based on the movie art. Lots of fun. I use >pygame mostly for testing little ideas or 2 write the fun little 2 week 2d game.
> exactly. I think this is one of the main uses for pygame. And how many
> fun little 2 week 2d games really need/use a perlin noise function?
> We'll probably have to agree to disagree on the answer to that question.