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Re: [pygame] pygame.image.load() is fine though and beeyoootifull!!

> I made a TGA in Photoshop with a continous
> alpha channel and loaded it into an image
> surface and watched it blit.  Beeeyooootiiifull!
> It's kind of compute intensive though.  Time for
> some MMX asm hacking on the libSDL source?
> (Rubbing my hands in insane glee...! =)

glad it worked. sometimes just setting the images up properly
is the easiest way to go. :]

on linux with gcc i know that many of the blitters are assembly
optimized. on windows i think most cards can do these transparent
blits in hardware, which will be even quicker.

some formats might be quicker than other. you'll probably want to
experiment a little and see where you get your best performance.
maybe even peek into the SDL alpha blitter source and see which
cases have the most optimizations :]

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