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Re: [pygame] Optimization, double buffered pygames

"Nat Pryce" <nat.pryce@b13media.com> writes:

> Another reason might be that your "content" surfaces (sprites,
> backgrounds,
> etc.) are not in same format as the windowed display but in a
> different
> format from the fullscreen display.  If this is the case, they will
> have to
> be converted to the display format on every blit, which results in a
> big
> performance hit. Convert all your content to the format of the display
> as
> you load it from disk.

Yes, I call convert on them like this (isn't that the way to do it):

self._surface = pygame.image.load('bla bla').convert()

> Alternatively, you might be requesting a pixel format that cannot be
> supported by the hardware.  SDL will then emulate that pixel format in
> software and convert each frame to the actual hardware format when it
> updates the screen.  

I don't request a special format, and I've tried requesting specific
formats, tried 16 bit and 8 bit, not much difference in frame rate.
Anyway it's not a problem as such I just don't understand the
behaviour, I don't expect to make anything close to a commercial game
anyway but fullscreen feels a lot cooler than a pesky window.


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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