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Re: [pygame] pygame website -- wiki

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Phil Hassey schrieb:
> The Documentation section is probably the most
> substantial, and would involve migrating the pygame
> docs into the wiki, and then maintaining the docs via
> the wiki.
> (I suppose for distribution of docs, there would need
> to be a way to export the wiki docs to plain html.)

The documentation is generated from the source code documenation somehow at the
moment, right? How would you interface that with a wiki?

> I will be looking around at some various wiki systems,
> but will probably use phpwiki, since I'm a php
> developer, and it would be easiest to integrate a php
> wiki with the pygame look and feel.

May I suggest having a look at DokuWiki
(http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:dokuwiki)? It's also PHP and the code base is
structured very well and easy to understand. It uses flat files as a backend,
so you could easily write a script, that transforms them into plain HTML. But
their exist also already solutions to export a WokuWiki installation into a
static HTML site. If you have any question about it, don't hesitate to ask me,
or on the mailing list (dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - subscription obligatory).

phpwiki can often be slow (depending on the database too, of course). If hosted
on sourceforge.net, for example, it's quite unsusable, because probably their
database servers are too busy.

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