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Re: [pygame] movie flip/update

Ya i can easily get the window ID in linux at least with xwininfo, but my
problem is if I want to make buttons around an embeded mplayer window it
just gets overwritten.. so thats why I wanted to look into the second
surface idea which I guess I need to read into since I have no clue what
it is. I'm still fairly new to pygame


> mike@zcentric.com wrote:
>> I'm not so sure what you mean by creating an offscreen surface, but I
>> don't think I can do what I wanted. I wanted to run mplayer in my
>> pygame window as a window in the main window. Kind of like a video
>> preview, then you click on the video and it'll go full screen. There
>> isn't much info on the list for movies let alone mplayer.
> you can have mplayer run in an embedded window. this would make fill
> the entire pygame window. the tricky part atm will be getting the
> window id to use.
> sdl has no direct way of getting the window id. there is a workaround
> of a platform specific event message, but i haven't really looked at
> it, and pygame doesn't do anything with it yet. perhaps it warrants a
> second look.