Mail Thread Index
- [school-discuss] [IIEP] IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries,
Cameron Nichol
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] FOSS authoring tool for e-learning - eXe project AND ILIAS,
Michael Dean
- [school-discuss] Government Open Code Collaborative,
Tom Adelstein
- [no subject],
- [school-discuss] RE: [Ossi] Government Open Code Collaborative,
Brice, Richard
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] FOSS authoring tool for e-learning - eXe project,
Michael Dean
- Re: [school-discuss] Call for open-source interested/active,
Alec Couros
- [school-discuss] Linux in Government: Linux Lab at the University of South Florida Opens Eyes | Linux Journal,
Tom Adelstein
- [school-discuss] need archives for nov 09 to dec 07,
Arjun Asthana
- [school-discuss] Typical school / local gov't employee retention rates?,
Karsten M. Self
- [school-discuss] Linux in Government: Security Enhanced Linux - The Future is Now | Linux Journal,
Tom Adelstein
- [school-discuss] looking for open source Web designer and Programmer,
David Bucknell
- [school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Greetings,
Michael Dean
- [school-discuss] LCA 2005 Miniconf - Call For Participation,
Jacqueline McNally
- [school-discuss] The TUX&GNU@school column,
Knut Yrvin
- [school-discuss] [IIEP] The TUX&GNU@school column,
Knut Yrvin
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