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[school-discuss] [Fwd: kalamaris]
I received this from Estuardo Wednesday evening. If someone with
experience installing Kalamaris could help him I'd appreciate it.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: kalamaris
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:35:17 -0600
From: "Estuardo Alpirez" <ealpirez@intelnet.net.gt>
Reply-To: <ealpirez@intelnet.net.gt>
To: <dloss@seul.org>
Dear Doug:
Can you help me with this:
Desired Classifications *Software Installation (Kalamaris)*
Contact person *Estuardo Alpirez*
e-mail address *ealpirez@intelnet.net.gt <mailto:ealpirez@intelnet.net.gt>*
telephone number *(502) 704 7290*
Location of school or district:
City/Community, *Guatemala*
State/region, *Guatemala*
Zip code/Postal code, *01010*
Country,* Guatemala*
Specific need. *We need to install kalamaris, we have already downloaded
the software but we have been unsuccesfull running it.*
Local resources available. *We are running Suse 8.1, in desktop
computers with AMD 900Mhz 128mram, 20gbhd*
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Doug Loss Courage is resistance to
Data Network Coordinator fear, mastery of fear --
Bloomsburg University not absence of fear.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain