as mentioned in another discussion, the schoolforge IRC meeting should
be brought back to life.
Thus I would like to remind and invite anyone to join the first meeting
in 2005.
The meeting is sheduled for February, the 22nd, 2005 at
4:30 and 16:30 UTC.
Where to go
You can join the discussion in #schoolforge at irc.freenode.net.
Topics to discuss
This is the first meeting for a long time and no special fields
of interest are mentioned for discussion. Feel free to raise any
topic which matches the intention of the schoolforge project :-).
I will be available at 16:30 UTC and - if there is at least some
acitivity - log the discussion, so it can be put online for all which
could not meet the discussion. It would be nice, if someone can do this
for 4:30 UTC, too.