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[school-discuss] Thanks!= Linux and Active Directory/Windows networking
I entered the external DNS numbers and already had the isa proxy stuff and . .
.Yay!!! . . . I am sending this from Edubuntu!!!!
Now if I could only access my network folder . . . I'm close . . . it is
displayed on the desktop . . . asked for my user name and password . . . but it
won't let me view the contents.
Thanks to you all!
Quoting Damiano Verzulli <damiano@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> > This district uses Active Directory.
> > [...]
> > None of the tech people know anything about Linux. They have
> > been friendly and very helpful - they use a proxy server and gave me all
> of
> > that info - but it still doesn't work.
> > [...]
> First of all, you should be sure about "how" local windows clients gets
> internet access. Two options:
> 1 - They are "NAT"ted => this basically mean that clients have mostly
> full internet access and that the AD server basically plays no role
> about their internet connection;
> 2 - They are "Proxy"ed => this basically mean that for _every_ request
> that clients makes to the internet, such request is directed to the AD
> server (that tipically requires some form of authentications). The the
> AD server makes the connection to the internet and as soon as it gets
> back the result from the internet server, the AD server sends the
> results to the local clients;
> In "option 1", basically, you can bet that within the LAN there's a
> "gateway" configured to do NAT and, from the gateway point of view, a
> standard client and the AD server are "similar";
> In "option 2" _only_ the AD server has internet access and he manages
> all the internet access policy.
> In "option 1" (the easy one) you have to ask your sys/netadmin about:
> - the IP address of the "gateway";
> - the IP address of a DNS;
> - the IP address and subnet mask you should use on your local client;
> - or if, otherwise, there's some DHCP server that provides you with
> proper infos
> In "option 2" (the difficult one) you have to ask your sys/netadmin:
> - which is, exactly, the software used to do "Proxying" on the AD
> Server? Is it some kind of M$ ISA Server? Or something else?
> - if the proxy requires some forms of authentication and, in such case,
> which kind of authentication (basically, you have to know if it's
> something m$ related or not);
> - if the proxy requires the user to be "defined" on the AD server. In
> this case, obviously, you need to have an "account" on the AD server;
> With above three information, we can be mostly able to configure at
> least a browser so that it can interact with the Proxy (...if the
> authentication-protocol is supported by Linux).
> Strictly speaking about AD, keep in mind that AD has more or less
> _nothing_ to do about "networking" (strictly speaking in terms of IP and
> WEB access). It deals _only_ about SSO (Single Sign On). This basically
> means that:
> - if on the LAN there are a bunch of file and/or print server and...
> - if you're going to access such file/print server... than...
> - you need to properly configure your client so that the AD server "see"
> a windows client...
> Samba, obviously, has lot of things that let your machine to act as a
> "windows" client, both in the old M$-Domain world and the quite younger
> M$-AD-world.
> In any case, keep in mind that if you're going to deeply interact with
> AD from Linux, you're going to have a difficult way to walk.
> HTH.
> Bye,
> Damiano
> --
> Damiano Verzulli
> e-mail: damiano@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ---
> possible?ok:while(!possible){open_mindedness++}
> ---
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