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Re: [school-discuss] K12Linux Texas update...
Doug Loss wrote:
> "Jones, Gregory James" wrote:
> > I will do that ver thing.
> >
> > Thanks, Paul, for the effort and the update. Now I just have to
> > come up with a topic... and funding. Hmmm....
> Funding is the proverbial elephant in the room, the big problem that
> no one wants to talk about. We need to be able to pay the entry
> fees for these various conferences, transport people there, and make
> sure they have lodging and food while attending. Oh, I suppose we
> should transport them back home, too :-). All these things cost
> money, which is something most of us don't have and aren't
> especially interested in.
> I'm working on something that I hope might be able to generate some
> revenue that we could use to get Schoolforge people to conferences
> around the world, but it's not ready for public unveiling just yet.
> When it is (in the not too distant future), you'll hear about it
> here first.
Maybe we can set up something whereby advocates could donate frequent
flier tickets to cover transportation costs. I'm only familiar with
Southwest's program - they issue transferable vouchers that expire one
year from the date of issue. If anyone has one that's about to expire,
this would be a good thing to do with it. I don't think you can deduct
such a donation since they declare "no cash value" on the vouchers.
I suppose this "program" could be as informal as posting a plea here
for a free ticket.
Jim Thomas Principal Applications Engineer Bittware, Inc
jthomas@bittware.com http://www.bittware.com (703) 779-7770
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