ian.lynch2@ntlworld.com wrote: <snip>I'm very surprised at this response. A world of difference exists between Star Office 7 and OOo and it's very obvious. I see no reason to complain about OOo in any way. However, given the choice, users in my office will run SO7 from an X server over native installs of OOo on their workstations. Why is that? From what I can see it's the finishing touches especially overall screen rendering. OOo comes off fuzzy enough to notice and SO7 comes off clear as a bell, bright and finished.Ian, you don't have to convince me :-)I'm not trying to, I'm genuinely curious because AFAIK. Apart from some proprietary filters such as for WP, some clip art and templates, OO.o 1.1 and SO7 are identical code subject to the same QA procedures. It is possible that releases have some different defaults eg I found some problems with 3D rendering due to the OpenGL defaults that might or might not have happened with different default settings.I'll ask and find out as I would be interested to know if there are fundamental QA differences. In fact OO.o 1.1.1 is being released and this probably fixes bugs that will not be fixed in SO 7.0 |