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Re: [school-discuss] linuxconf
Thanks for your information too! You see I never even knew that is was a screwy
thing to reply and erase the subject - so cool - I will remember that. :)
If you guys who are system administrator folks saw me in action, I am sure you
would be horrified. I just sort of install a bunch of crap, see if it works,
if not I reformat and install something different.
You see, I do not even know what ¨rsync-over-ssh as r/w transport¨ is . . . but
since you say it is cool, I will read up on it.
Thanks again! I appreciate your help!
Quoting Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 06:25:51AM -0700, marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Here is a question for the system administrator folks.
> Well, some of us might advise you on starting new conversation by
> composing a brand new message, not replying to another thread and
> changing subject: there are message headers that will link them
> together no matter what.
> > Back in the days when I used Red Hat and Mandrake, I used a
> > tool called linuxconf that was just great for my simple needs.
> Nasty "tool", I've removed it off some RH5.1 (or 4.x?) as soon
> as it gave me no choice but to either accept some unreviewable
> changes to sendmail.cf or do something else but not let things be!
> > Apache is installed and running, but I want to setup my
> > webmastering students to access their own directories through
> > ftp and ssh. Ssh works, but not ftp.
> FTP for webmastering is bad habit albeit very popular in the
> wild. In fact, it's sort of deadlock: those coming for hosting
> expect FTP even if they'd prefer something better, and those
> providing hosting have to provide FTP even if they'd eagerly
> switch to something better.
> At our free hosting for free software projects, we provide
> rsync-over-ssh as r/w transport and consider any ftp to be
> readonly anonymous access.
> > Also, I want the kids to be able to run programs through ssh.
> > Pine works fine, but it gives an xserver error when I try to
> > run a GUI.
> ssh -X host proggie
> (for newer openssh, ssh -Y to retain complete X11 protocol,
> not just screened/secured parts)
> > Is there some tool like linuxconf for Debian?
> I hope linuxconf is gone for good everywhere.
> Regarding webmin, it's more competent indeed but still a security
> nightmare (better than sendmail as well but having lots of perl
> code, modules and interpreter running with root privileges makes
> any of my security-conscious colleagues cringe). Unfortunately
> there's no way with it to do privilege separation with it AFAIK.
> Yep, I know no sane remote administration UI that would do that.
> There's work on ALTerator to bring it there but that's really
> not a trivial task as one might guess ;)
> So over LAN, it's all no real problem usually; but still not
> a good habit, just like auth r/w FTP.
> --
> ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
> ---- Oct 26--27, Kiev, Ukraine:
> -- http://conference.osdn.org.ua