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RE: [school-discuss] class scheduling applications needed
Well, this is some workgrouping software I've heard positive feedback about
from one of the Computerworld forum folks. I'd not be too sure about
effective use in a given school environment, since it sounds more along the
lines of Lotus Notes...
Jason H. Mervyn
Computer Specialist
-----Original Message-----
From: jkinz@rcn.com [mailto:jkinz@rcn.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 1:37 PM
To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
Subject: [school-discuss] class scheduling applications needed
Hi- In connection to my efforts to get a school started using Open Source
software (ie Linux), I've been asked if there is a scheduling application
available for managing class/classroom scheduling ?
This is software that would take in lists of students, the courses each
student has to take, instructors, and classrooms and would output a proposed
schedule which (in theory) allows all the students to get all the classes
Any one have any ideas or suggestions ?
Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA. "jkinz@ultranet.com"
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