On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 07:09:20PM +0100, Garry Saddington wrote:
Phil Carinhas wrote:
Some friends of ours are supporting a school in a rural area of Mexico
and need some sort of progress database tool that can help them identify
students that need help. Unfortunately many of their tools are windows
based, but perhaps there is a Linux tool that allows them to tie into
those anyhow.
Is there such a DB tool that can monitor reading, writing, and math skills?
What should we be looking for if not? Thanks,
It would be useful to know what they are using at present that needs
tying into. I am willing to write something new for them using Zope and
Postgres that can run on Windows or Linux if they would like. I would
need some detailed specs though.
Thanks for the offer. I will get detailed specs from them soon and post it.
-Phil Carinhas
| Dr. Philip A. Carinhas | pac(at)fortuitous.com |
| Fortuitous Technologies Inc. | http://fortuitous.com |
| Linux Networking & Security | Tel : 1-512-351-7783 |